Community Update – 12/11/20

Posted By on December 11, 2020

Dear Watermark Homeowners,

Just a brief update on things happening here at Watermark

  1. Balcony Railing Paint – is in progress. Section 4 will begin on Monday, December 14th.  In preparation, please remove all items off your balcony railing and move items back 2-3 feet away to allow paint access. (4th Floor residents are excluded)Painters will be entering your patio from the exterior if you are not a unit that requires interior access. Interior access units have been notified. If you do not want a painter stepping onto your patio from the exterior please notify Audrey at 619-795-1727 asap, thank you. Please see notice and map attached.
  2. Face Masks – reminder to please wear a face mask or face covering while in the common areas.
  3. Christmas Trees – please notify the Security Desk if you will be bringing a live tree into your home this holiday so we can pad the elevator. Please provide us with a 24 hour notice. We appreciate your cooperation.


650 Columbia Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone | (619) 795-1727

Management Team

General Manager
Shannon Williams|

Kate Severo |

Office Phone | (619) 795-1727

Security Officer
Desk phone | (619) 236-0152
Cell phone | (619) 439-3420

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202