Community Update – Planter Testing

Posted By on November 21, 2017

Dear Residents,

Just a brief update on things happening here at Watermark

  1. Testing in Market St Courtyard – there will be some planter testing in the Market Street Courtyard. The soil will be removed from the North rear planter between Thursday, December 7th and Friday, December 8th. The soil will be stored in the courtyard while the testing is conducted.

The testing will take place between Monday, December 11th and Tuesday, December 12th.

Please avoid this area and we ask that you do not disturb the testing areas. Please be aware that water may leak into the garage as a result of this. We will be asking specific homeowners that may be affected to move their vehicles during the testing period if they wish to do so.


650 Columbia Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone | (619) 795-1727

Management Team

General Manager
Shannon Williams|

Kate Severo |

Office Phone | (619) 795-1727

Security Officer
Desk phone | (619) 236-0152
Cell phone | (619) 439-3420

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202