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- Community Update; July 7, 2023
Community Update; July 7, 2023
Posted By szgrzemski on July 7, 2023

Dear Watermark Community,
Thank you for your cooperation this week in reducing your water usage during the plumbing repairs in the garage. Your efforts made a huge difference!
Here are your weekly updates:
- The elevator on the India St. side has been repaired and is back in order. Thank you for your patience.
- Some of you may have received notice from SDG&E that there was going to be a planned power outage. SDG&E has cancelled the planned power outage. We will send notices and reminders if/when this is rescheduled.
- At the Board Meeting on Tuesday (6:00pm) the Board will be providing an update regarding OPOS and the window washing. I’ll provide that information here next week but if you simply can’t wait then, please, join us at the meeting!
Here is a running list of dates to pay attention to:
- July 11th, 6:00pm: The next Board Meeting will be held in the Community Room, with an option to participate via Zoom. Here is the Zoom info: https://actionlife.zoom.us/ Meeting ID: 992 954 083 40 Password: 100163
- July 18th, 10:00am: Scheduled HOA Maintenance walk. If you are interested in joining, please inform me.
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Shannon Zgrzemski, CMCA
Watermark General Manager
P.S. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.