Community Update; October 6, 2023

Posted By on October 6, 2023

Dear Watermark Community,

Hello everyone! This Tuesday, October 10th at 6:00pm, is the monthly Board Meeting.  Please join us in the Fifth Floor Community Room or via Zoom!

Below are your weekly updates:

  • An overnight power outage is planned by SDG&E from Monday, Oct 6th at 9:00pm until Tuesday, Oct 10th at 5:00am. We have additional guards on-site and guidelines available to you on the bulletin boards and in your email.  Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
  • Everyone should have received an email or letter in the mail with a form to complete to update the Member Directory.  If not, please request one at Security or email/call me and I will get you a form.  Please return your completed form by November 1st so that we can get the updated Member Directories handed out early in 2024!
  • Monday, October 9th is a Federal Holiday, so no work can be scheduled on this day.  Thank you for informing your vendors and contractors.

Thank you,

Shannon Zgrzemski, CMCA

Watermark General Manager


650 Columbia Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone | (619) 795-1727

Management Team

General Manager
Shannon Williams|

Kate Severo |

Office Phone | (619) 795-1727

Security Officer
Desk phone | (619) 236-0152
Cell phone | (619) 439-3420

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202