Community Update; February 9, 2024

Posted By on February 9, 2024

Dear Watermark Community,

Hello everyone.  Thank you very much for all your efforts in clearing the garage for the drain jetting.  That project is now completed for the year!  This Tuesday, February 13th @ 6:00pm is the February Board Meeting.  Please join your Board of Directors and fellow Owners in the Community Room or via Zoom.

Here are you weekly updates:

  • In-unit fire sprinkler inspections are scheduled for Tuesday, February 20th and Wednesday, February 21st.  Please be sure to review the schedule on the bulletin board and in your email to know when your unit will be inspected.  Reminder emails are also scheduled to be sent.  Please be in communication with me for any exceptions and/or special requests.
  • The ballots for the Board of Directors election have been mailed to you.  If you do not receive your ballot or need a new one for any reason please reach out.  Returned ballots help to meet the quorum requirement so please, even if you’re opting to not vote, check the box on your ballot to assist with quorum and return you ballot as soon as possible.  The Annual Meeting and election is scheduled for March 12, 2024.
  • The HOA is continuing to seek volunteers for the Welcoming Committee. Please consider joining this committee to provide new owners the guidance and support in making Watermark their home.  Please let me know by the next Board Meeting (02/13) if you are interested or have any questions.
  • The Landscape Committee is scheduled for the monthly walk-through on Friday, February 16th @ 9:00am.  If you’d like to join please meet at the Security Desk.
  • Monday, February 19th is a Federal Holiday.  This means no work will be permitted in the building on this day.  Please make note and inform your vendors.  This does not impact house cleaners, nannies, caretakers, etc.

Thank you,

Shannon Zgrzemski, CMCA

Watermark General Manager


650 Columbia Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone | (619) 795-1727

Management Team

General Manager
Shannon Williams|

Kate Severo |

Office Phone | (619) 795-1727

Security Officer
Desk phone | (619) 236-0152
Cell phone | (619) 439-3420

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
750 B Street, Suite 2860
San Diego, CA 92101
phone | (949) 450-0202